Rated 5 stars by 1 users
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
I'm going to make this really simple for you. Cauliflower mashed with roasted garlic is the same as mashed potatoes with roasted garlic. I'm literally going to cut and paste the mashed potato recipe and plop it right here for you. I've made some minor, I mean MINOR adjustments as cauliflower is a little watery compares to potatoes so I eased up on the coconut milk. Otherwise, guys, this is a healthier version of mashed deliciousness. Here ya go:

1 medium Cauliflower cut into florets. Or buy one of those bags you see at Whole foods. That's super easy too. Maybe get two. There's not a lot of cauli in those bags.
2 heads of roasted garlic. (I like garlic you can always use one. A reminder: cut the head off the garlic, as seen in pic, rub some olive oil on it, wrap it in tin foil and pop in the oven at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes). You can use raw garlic but please believe me this extra 45 minutes of roasting is well worth it. You can watch almost a full episode of CHEER while roasting. You should watch that docu-series regardless but if you haven't, roast some garlic and get ready to get inspired and perhaps join a squad yourself. GO TEAM!
1 stick of Vegan Butter (We like the brand Earth Balance)
1/2 cup of milk substitute (We used unsweetened coconut milk - we also used less than what we do with regular mashed potatoes)
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of pepper
1 - 2 table spoons of chives, mixed in at end
Take your florets, throw them in some boiling water. You don't have to throw. Maybe gently ease into the boiling water to avoid injury.
Let them boil til fork tender. Means, soft. Let them boil til soft.
Drain those puppies. (Referring to Cauliflower florets)
Lower the heat a bit but add your other ingredients except for the chives. So the roasted garlic (I just squeeze the garlic out of the skin), milk, vegan butter. When everything is liquidy. Add your cauliflower in.
Season to taste or use the measurements I provided for you above.
Mash with a masher.
Take off stove and add chives.