Celery Juice with Fun Stuff
Rated 5 stars by 1 users
Prep Time
10 minutes
So here's the thing, juicing is a great way to get your nutrients in. Your vitamins, your greens. It's a great way to cleanse. I actually did the celery juice thing every morning for three months. I thought it would help my EBV numbers. EBV stands for Epstein Barr Virus. Most of us have EBV. However, I just have a lot of it. Most likely due to Lyme. I read a lot about celery juice and the benefits including high in calcium, vitamin K, it helps relax the nerves that are damaged, it's a natural laxative, the list goes on. I bought a juicer and I celery juiced. I never felt a difference and the kicker was, my EBV numbers never went down. But, I still wanted the benefits of juicing because even though my lab numbers weren't great, I knew I was getting more vitamins than I would otherwise. I thought at this point, might as well add the flavor. I incorporated apples, ginger and lemon. Here's why:
-Ginger is a great aide in digestion, it helps reduce inflammation, it has a nice kick to it that makes juicing more enjoyable
-Same with lemon. Lemon supports heart health, prevents kidney stones, also improves digestive health. And again, adds flavor to what I personally think is a flavorless vegetable AKA celery...don't tell anyone I said that.
-And finally apple. Apple is the worst part of this concoction because it's the sugar. However, green apples have less sugar than red apples. And it gives the juice that yummy flavor. At least I think so. After three months of just celery, this was heaven.

2 celery bunches, trimmed and washed (a bunch of celery does not make a lot of juice, I always go for the second so if I make more, I have more for the next day)
1 -2 knobs of ginger (I like a kick but you can always add less)
1 lemon (the juice of one lemon should do the trick)
1-2 green apples, chopped, de-seeded
With a juicer, juice all together.